Monday, June 25, 2012

Global consumers have a daily coffee habit — except for the Chinese and, surprisingly, Americans

Coffee has grown into a daily drink globally, even in countries that don’t have a tradition of consuming it.
Brazil and Italy have the largest percentage of consumers who drink coffee every day or most days. They also have, by far, the largest cohort of youth coffee drinkers. In general, coffee consumption is correlated with age — the lower the age, the lower the rate.
On the other end of the scale is China, which has a very low rate of regular coffee consumption.

Interestingly, the US is second to last. Americans who drink coffee on a regular basis are outnumbered by consumers in 15 countries, including in markets where tea — not coffee — is the traditional beverage.

For most China consumers, coffee is still pretty much a symbol of the Western lifestyle. Meeting up at a cafe or holding a cup of to-go coffee looks cool and cosmopolitan. But considering the high price of quality coffee, most Chinese consumers have neither the need nor the money to drink coffee every day.

While Americans like their coffee, they may prefer other beverages — soft drinks (both regular and diet), sports/energy drinks — to get them going in the morning. This tendency is more pronounced among younger generations.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Online chatter about Pinterest gets personal, while Instagram talk turns techy

Online chatter about Pinterest gets personal, while Instagram talk turns techy


The explosion in use of image-sharing social media platforms Instagram and Pinterest is perhaps proof that indeed a picture is worth a thousand words.

Aside from the obvious social media chatter, online Instagram conversations from April 25, 2012 to May 25, 2012 stick to the nuts and bolts of the experience, including the app itself and the mobile device of choice.

For the same time period, online conversations about Pinterest surrounded the kind of lifestyle topics seen on the platform, such as living rooms and dining tips.


Today's consumer looks for connections, including connections with businesses. As social media connections become more visual, it will no longer be sufficient to broadcast the latest promotion or sale textually. Businesses will instead need to provide a visually personal and relatable experience.

While both Pinterest and Instagram offer a visual social experience, the contrasts in chatter surrounding the two platforms — more techy for Instagram and more lifestyle for Pinterest — represent how they differ. Successful businesses will look for and capitalize on these differences.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dog walkers in Mexico City can scoop poop and trade it for WiFi

Need to check your email? Pick up some poop. The ad agency BBDO and the Internet portal Terra have teamed up to offer a creative solution to a dirty problem in Mexico City’s parks.

When poop goes into a special receptacle, it weighs the droppings and gives minutes of free WiFi accordingly — 70g of poop equals about 20 minutes. And once the WiFi is activated, everyone in the surrounding area benefits.

The 10 parks in the Terra Poo WiFi program have signs that show the number of WiFi minutes one can get based on the breed of dog and the size of its droppings. There is a definite bias toward Saint Bernards and Newfoundlands.

Carrots are often more effective than the stick. Getting a reward for good behavior (picking up dog poop, even if it didn’t come from your animal) is a better incentive than possible fines for bad behavior.

Mexicans are becoming more technologically dependent, and having access to free WiFi is a powerful motivator to clean up a dog’s mess.

Video about Terra Poo Wifi
Terra México

Monday, June 11, 2012

China, India and Russia have the highest rates of homeownership

More than just finances go into the decision of whether to buy a home. Factors like tradition, culture, governmental policies and lending policies arguably play a more significant role.

According to the Iconoculture Values and Lifestyle Survey (September 2011), China, India and Russia have the highest home ownership rate among the 17 countries surveyed. Germany, Turkey and France have the lowest.

When it comes to renting or leasing a home, it’s not surprising that China and Russia have the lowest rate — 11%. Also low are Brazil, Mexico and India.

A sample of the comparatively better-off online population in China, India and Russia contributes to their high homeownership rates. But considering the low numbers in many wealthier markets, income is not always an indicator of the propensity of a population to buy rather than rent.

In Asia, the concept of family is closely connected with home ownership. In China, particularly, many people hold the view that no house means no marriage.
Russia’s homeownership rate is high because before glasnost, the Soviet state gave citizens housing; after the breakup of the USSR, the majority privatized their homes.
Germany has a combination of factors that lead to one of the lowest home ownership rates among developed countries: aversion to risk, postwar housing shortage, prevalence of subsidized rents and stringent mortgage requirements.